ID : 143890

Yoga Teachers Training in Rishikesh – Rishikesh Yog Peeth

Price On Call


Condition : New
Location : Neel Kanth Temple Road near Patna Waterfall

Rishikesh Yogpeeth is an officially Registered Yoga School asRYS 200, 300 and 500 with Yoga Alliance. Yoga teaching courses offeredby Rishikesh Yogpeeth allow you to become a member of Yoga Alliance as aRegistered Yoga Teacher (RYT) which opens up the possibilities to teach Yogaalmost anywhere in the world.

Rishikesh Yogpeeth issues Yoga Alliance certificates tostudents upon completion of the training course and this certificate isinternationally recognised. In addition, Rishikesh Yogpeeth is also authorizedto issue a university certificate in yoga to its students.


ForMore Details:-


Neel Kanth Temple Road
near Patna Waterfall, Rishikesh
Uttarakhand 249302 (India)



+91 9068906866


Neel Kanth Temple Road near Patna Waterfall
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  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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