ID : 45808

Toysery Dinosaur Bubble Shooter Gun Light Up Bubbles Blower with LED Flashing Lights and Sounds




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : New York

•LIGHT UP BUBBLE GUNS: Toysery dinosaur bubble blaster guns are perfect for kids young and old they will love playing with this toy. Bubbles will shoot out at fast pace with flashing lights.

•ASSEMBLY IS SUPER EASY: Simply take the cap off of the bubble bottle and screw the bottle onto the gun. An automated system takes care of this.

•LED FLASHING LIGHTS: Features multiple LED lights that illuminates bubbles coming out. Bubble blower made out of clear plastic so you can see how the bubbles get made and how the mechanics work.

•EASY REFILL: The dinosaur bubble shooter guns are easy to refill by attaching a new bubble container to the bottom of the blaster. The Dinosaur bubble blaster includes 2 bottles of bubbles and the LED Shooter includes.

•BATTERY: Uses 3 AA batteries included, For ages 3+


New York
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