ID : 149847

PEB services in Hyderabad



Location : Flat 401 Krishna Apartments, Phase-1 Beside Udbhava Hospital KPHB Hyderabad – 500072. Telangana

Prefabrication or prefabricated construction services are in huge demand nowadays; as it helps the firm in assembling the raw materials or parts in the factory or warehouse. Then the raw materials are transported to the construction site, which simplifies the work of the staff in giving the project a final shape.PEB services in Hyderabad Our proficient techies of Rashian Technologies with the prefabricated construction services; provide the companies several facilities that include cost management through saving time, wages, and resources. Also, we ensure that all residue raw materials designing structures are not discarded and can re-use in the future.

PEB & Prefabrication

We provide services by using cutting-edge technologies and sharing our brilliant insights with businesses so that they can finish their projects in less time. Furthermore, our full-time staff and professional tradespeople of Rashian technology would not compromise on the quality and ensures that all pre-structured models have similar specifications and characteristics.

For more info visit :


Flat 401 Krishna Apartments, Phase-1 Beside Udbhava Hospital KPHB Hyderabad – 500072. Telangana


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