ID : 150069

Glass Rooflights for Flat Roofs



Condition : New
Location : 3, Albion Court, Studlands, Park Ave, Suffolk, CB8 7XA

HITECH ROOFLIGHTS is a trusted, high-quality rooflight manufacturer supplying homes across the UK and Europe. Our goal is to create better living spaces for our clients by introducing daylight into homes and businesses. Our products are in stock in the UK and can be delivered across the UK and Europe quickly and easily. We specialise in two main products, luxury aluminium rooflights and stepped glass rooflights. Both of which can be ordered in a range of sizes from 800×800 to 1500×2000. Our rooflights come triple-glazed as standard which ensures a U Value: 0.8W/m³. Our glass is coated with EnduroShield easy-clean surface coating technology so your roof lights will look great all year round. We offer one of the best warranties in the industry. 20 years on the sealed glass unit allowing you peace of mind that your product is protected. We also provide a 5 year warranty on the blind component if you opt for an integrated electric blind.


3, Albion Court, Studlands, Park Ave, Suffolk, CB8 7XA
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  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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