ID : 111796

Data science course in Pune




Location : Skillslash Pvt Ltd, Level 2, B, Andheri Kurla Road, Wing, Times Square, Unit 1, Andheri East Mumbai.

DataScience courses in Pune at Skillslash!Learn key Data Science concepts from experts in the field and apply it inreal-time projects. For sure, you won’t get this golden opportunity to grabreal-work experience while learning from any other platform!

Let us now go through the various otherfeatures associated with Skillslash’s OnlineData Science training at Pune.

1.      2.      DataScience course in Pune, you can learnthrough live-interactive classes. And, with a course subion, get accessto the Data Science course for a lifetime.

3.      4.      5.      6.      100%job guarantee: To top it all, with Skillslash’s Data Science training inPune, you get assured job referrals and a 100% job guarantee. This ensuresyou land up in top-tier Data Science firms.

Getenrolled in Skillslash’s Data Science course in Pune, and explore thenew era of professional training! Get domain training for industry specializationand live projects in your chosen domain. Work with top AI firms and expand yourhorizons!

Incase you have concerns about how our Data Science course structure works or anyother, feel free to contact us.

Youcan visit our website: get to know our Data Science courses better.

Also, you can reach us at: support@skillslash.comor call 18004190840


Skillslash Pvt Ltd, Level 2, B, Andheri Kurla Road, Wing, Times Square, Unit 1, Andheri East Mumbai.
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