ID : 24319

Clean Rooms For Rent In Multi Unit Building In Calumet City.




Location : 307 Yates Ave, Calumet City, IL, USA

I have two clean rooms available for rent on the third floor.  One is furnished with a queen bed and a book shelve, the other is partially furnished with a book shelve . They have hardwood floors, open closets and a ceiling fan. The kitchen and bathroom have been updated with white tile in the kitchen and dining area. You have access to the kitchen and bathroom and they are shared. The apt has a front and rear entrance. I also have a garage if you need to store items for a fee. On the ground level of the building a washer and dryer is available for your convenience to use for a small fee. Interstates 94,80,294 are close as are routes 83 & 6 also.  The apartment is close to churches, shops, resturants, banks and Walmart and are within 10 – 15 min drive.Please ring me and leave any questions you may have if I am unable to answer. Ill ring you back as soon as I am able. Please go to to fill out the rental application and complete background check.  Thanks for showing interest in the room. You can reach me at 224-386-4941. My email is Thanks


307 Yates Ave, Calumet City, IL, USA
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Safety tips
  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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