ID : 45330

BA Business Management With Foundation Year at MRC



Location : 412-416 Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill, IG2 6NQ

The BA Business Management with Foundation Year is an course for students looking for extra support to be able make the transition to a degree program. It prepares you to be able to develop transferable skills in the areas of business, communication and problem-solving. Upon the successful completion of the Foundation year you will progress directly onto the three-year degree programme. The BA Business Management with Foundation Year degree will provide you with the skills required for a career in the corporate, management or business sector. This course will also be beneficial for students who aspire to become entrepreneurs or who intend to work in strategic and/or operations management, marketing, and human resources management.

Contact Info:

Mont Rose House

412-416 Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill, IG2 6NQ

BA (Hons) Business Management with Foundation Year


412-416 Eastern Avenue, Gants Hill, IG2 6NQ
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