Quadripod 4 foot walking stick IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES The quadripod or the quad cane is ideal for peopl...
R.O.M Knee Brace IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES R.O.M Knee Brace controls and restricts degree of flexion of th...
Radiology table with bucky tray IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES The radiographic table is a specialized unit tha...
Red Micro Hermatocrit Capillary Tube Red,Glass IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Capillary tubes for micro haemato...
Reusable Medical Grade Plastic Apron IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Reusable straight sleeveless protective apr...
Safety Eye-ware IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Safety Eye-ware Eye protection is achieved by wearing eyewear sp...
Sanitizing Spray IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Surface sanitising sprays providing effective cleaning solution...
Scrub Suits Non-Disposable IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Scrubs are the sanitary clothing worn by surgeons, nu...
SDA Agar IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Sabouraud agar or Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) is a type of agar growt...
Seal Tigh Cast and Bandage Protector 280*630*440cm IN NIGERIA BY SCANTRIK MEDICAL SUPPLIES Seal-Tight cast protector let...