ID : 96683

Wilder Perez, Realtor

Price On Call


Type : Sell
Condition : Used
Warranty : Yes
Location : 2570 Butte Avenue

Let Wilder Perez be your trusted Coachella-area REALTOR®. With over 17 years of experience as a REALTOR®, Wilder Perez pours a passion for people and his community into every real estate transaction. He prides himself on providing dedicated, reliable, accurate, and friendly advice to all of his clients. Wilder is happy to serve the Coachella area with tenacity. In addition to his hardworking nature, you can count on Wilder for his expert negotiation skills. So, if you’re in the market and looking for Real Estate Agents in Thermal CA or looking to sell your current property, you can be confident that Wilder will exceed all of your property buying and selling expectations.


2570 Butte Avenue
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Safety tips
  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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