ID : 151791

What is color blindness? What types of color blindness are there?



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Location : London

Color blindness is also known as a chromosomal disorder. It refers tothe inability of the eye to distinguish between colors of objects such as red,green, or blue, or when mixing these colors together. Depending on the severityof color blindness, the ability to perceive the above colors is reduced or notseen at all.

Ourcolor blindness test tool: color blind test,before going to a specialized hospital, you can test it first to know yourcondition, the results are very accurate.
What types of color blindness are there?
Red-green color blindness:
It occurs when the red or green cones are not working properly or are notworking at all. Have some kind:
Mild green blindness: This is the most common form of color blindness andaffects up to 5% of men but is rare in women. It happens when the green conesdon’t work as they should. Yellow and green look redder, and it’s hard todistinguish blue from purple.
Mild red blindness: It occurs when your red cone cells are not working as theyshould. Oranges, reds, and yellows look greener, and colors are less bright. Itis usually mild and does not cause problems in everyday life. This is a veryrare form of color blindness in women and affects about 1% of men.
Red-blind: You have no active red cones. Simple red looks dark gray. Someshades of orange, yellow, and green look yellow. It is very rare in women andaffects about 1% of men.
Green blindness occurs when you do not have working green cones. Red can beyellow-brown, and green can be beige (light yellowish gray). It affects 1% ofmen and is rare in women.
Blue-yellow color blindness:
This type of color blindness affects men and women equally. This conditionoccurs in fewer than 1 in 10,000 people worldwide.


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