ID : 143915

Royal Oak Spa in Sanpada 9152806695




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : Shop no-7,Oueen Nackles Shopping Pradise Bhumiraj Heritage Plot 1 & 2,Sanpada Navi Mumbai 400705

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Four Hand Massage

Four hands massage is a treatment style in which two therapists both perform massage therapy on one person simultaneously and in synchronisation with each other. To be effective, the two therapists will usually have trained together so that they can work seamlessly in harmony during the treatment. This style of massage is also known as Tandem Massage or 4-Handed Massage.


Shop no-7,Oueen Nackles Shopping Pradise Bhumiraj Heritage Plot 1 & 2,Sanpada Navi Mumbai 400705
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  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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