ID : 52939

PHP Training Class | Learn Online | Live Instructor | Web Courses

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PHP Training Class | Learn Online | Live Instructor | Web Courses

About Course

Having captured more than 78% of the web development languages market, PHP is a fast, popular, and well supported web development language. PHP 8 has been long anticipated, but the wait is just about over! This information-packed intensive core PHP course is designed for PHP developers with a knowledge of PHP 5.x or 7.x. Learn about all the great new features in PHP 8 with a focus on migration from PHP 7 to PHP 8. Get a head start and leave the rest of the crowd behind.

Detailed Course Outline

Core OOP Coding Differences

There are two words that causes any developer to start looking nervously over his or her shoulder: _backwards incompatible_. Thus was born the phrase _BC Breaks_ meaning code that breaks due to backwards compatibility issues. In this unit we cover core PHP 8 language coding differences you must learn about in order avoid BC breaks.

This unit includes the following topics:

Core OOP Coding Differences

Magic Method Changes: Constructor

Magic Method Signatures

Magic Method Signatures Example

Magic Method Changes: Sleep

Serialization Differences

Custom Serialization

Custom Serialization Example

Private Method Signatures

Private Method Signature Example

Static Anyone?

Object Properties No Longer Array Keys

Anonymous Class Control

Stringable Interface

Namespace Handling

Namespace Handling Considerations

Namespace Handling BC Break

Trait Handling Refinements

Trait Abstract Signature Check

Private Abstract Methods in Traits

Private Abstract Methods in Traits

Variance Support

Variance Support



SPL Differences: SplFileObject

SPL Differences: SplHeap

SPL Differences: SplDoublyLinkedList

SPL Autoloading: spl_autoload_register()

Lab: Core OOP Coding Differences

Procedural Programming Differences

Prior to May 2000, when PHP 4 was officially released, all PHP programming used what is now referred to as _procedural_ coding style. Procedural programming is distinctive in its extensive use of libraries of _functions_ rather then OOP classes. In this unit we focus on PHP 8 changes to procedural programming.

This unit includes the following topics:

Procedural Programming Differences

Differences in String Handling

Non-Well-Formed Numeric Strings

Numeric Strings BC Breaks

Numeric Strings BC Break Examples

Comparison Madness

Comparison Examples

String Handling: Needle Argument

Differences If No Needle

v*printf() Changes

substr*() NULL Length

Crazy Uncle implode()

Second Param parse_str()

Locale Independent Float-to-String

Locale Independent Float-to-String

No More Function Overloading

Function Overloading Example

Array Handling Differences

Array Curly Brace Usage

Hello, Operator?

Non Scalar Operands

Constants Are Now Constant

File Handling

Function Differences

Disable Functions

Disable Functions Example

Security Related Function Changes

Security Function Change: assert()

Security Function Change: password_hash()

Security Function Change: crypt()

URL Handling Changes

Misc Changes

Changes Pertaining to Windows

Lab: Procedural Programming Differences

Extension Gotchas

In addition to changes to the PHP core, there have been significant changes to a number of PHP extensions as well. In this unit we identify critical changes in key extensions and things you need to watch out for to avoid BC breaks.

This unit includes the following topics:

Extension Gotchas

Objects Rather Than Resources

Objects Rather Than Resources

Objects / Resources: XML Parser

XMLWriter Differences

CURL Extension Gotchas

Mbstring Extension Gotchas

Mbstring Extension Gotchas: mb_ereg*

Mbstring Extension Gotchas: mb_ereg*

Mbstring Extension Gotchas: mb_strrpos

Mbstring Removed Aliases

Mbstring Extension Gotchas: Other

PCRE Extension Gotchas

PCRE Extension Gotchas Example

Intl Extension Gotchas

Database Extension Gotchas

PDO Gotchas

GD Extension Gotchas

GD Extension Gotchas

Reflection Extension Gotchas

Reflection Extension Gotchas

Reflection Extension Improvements

Zip/ZipArchive Extension Gotchas


ZipArchive Example

Misc Extension Gotchas

Lab: Extension Gotchas

New Cool Stuff

This is the part you all have been waiting for, right? The new **cool stuff**. Without further ado, let’s roll!

This unit includes the following topics:

New Cool Stuff

JIT Compiler

JIT Compiler: How to Enable

JIT Compiler: Controls

JIT Compiler: Controls Continued

JIT Example

The Case for Union Types

Union Types: Syntax

Union Types: Exceptions

Mixed Types

Mixed Types Example

Mixed Types Impact on Variance

Mixed Types Impact on Variance

Weak References

Weak Reference Example

Weak Map

Weak Map Usage Example

Variadic Operators

Nullsafe Operator

Nullsafe Operator Short-Circuiting

Match Expressions

Match Expressions: Considerations

Match Expressions: No Silent Coercion

Static Return Type

Named Arguments

Named Arguments: Order Independence

Named Arguments: Skipping Defaults


Attribute Syntax

Simple Attribute Example

Attribute Use Case: Original

Attribute Use Case: Revised

Attribute Class

Constructor Argument Promotion

Constructor Argument Promotion

Lab: Cool Stuff

Lots of Improvements

There have been many improvements in syntax and general handling of classes and functions in PHP 8. A number of improvements were actually first tested in PHP 7.4, and fully implemented in PHP 8.

This unit includes the following topics:

Lots of Improvements

Typed Properties

Typed Properties

Typed Properties

Arrow Functions

Arrow Functions

Arrow Functions

OOP Syntax Improvements

Uniform Variable Syntax

What’s “De-Referencing”?

Uniform String Dereferencing

Dereferencing Constants

Expressions Anywhere

Extended Use of ::class

No Comma Left Behind

JSON is Here to Stay!

Try/Catch/Finally New Stuff

array_splice() Improvements

array_splice() Example

array_slice() Performance Boost

array_slice() Example

String Handling Enhancements

Stable Sorting

Stable Sorting Example

Affect on Keys in Stable Sorting

Illegal Sort Functions

Strings: Beginning, Middle and End

Strings: Beginning, Middle and End

Strings: str_contains

SQLite Authorizer

Other Improvements

Other Improvements

Other Improvements

Cool Stuff in Extensions

As well as core additions, there have been a number of incredibly use enhancements in a number of PHP extensions. This unit focuses on new and cool stuff in PHP 8 extensions.

This unit includes the following topics:

Extension Cool Stuff

OpenSSL Improvements

New Tokenizer Class

New Tokenizer Class

Security Filtering Improvements

Improvement in Timezone Change Handling

DateTime Creation

PHP Web Extension Improvements

Miscellaneous Extension Improvements

Lab: Cool Stuff in Extensions

Error Handling Improvements

Error handling has been strengthened in PHP 8. As many of you have observed during the transition from PHP 5 to PHP 7, error handling was improved. With each successive release of PHP 7.x, you also observed that bad programming practices are slowly being restricted. PHP 8 goes one step further, as explained in this unit.

This unit includes the following topics:

Error Handling Improvements

Warnings Promoted to Fatal Errors!

Warnings Promoted: Array

Warnings Promoted: String

Undefined Constants Now Fatal Errors

Notices Promoted to Warnings!

Error Level Defaults Changed

Use of Parent

No Longer @Silent

Using @ Operator With error_reporting()

Inheritance and Method Signatures

Error Related INI Directives

Compile Time Warning Changes

Clean Shutdown

Non Capturing Catches

Lab: Error Handling

Going, Going … Not Quite Gone

Using classes, methods, functions, etc. on the _deprecated_ list are not going to break your code, however it’s an indication that at some point in the near future these constructs will be removed from the language. Accordingly, it’s important for PHP developers to at least be aware of the more important deprecated functionality in PHP 8.

This unit includes the following topics:

Going, Going … Not Quite Gone

Core Deprecations

Deprecations: Enchant

Deprecations: Reflection

Things Removed

Each What, You Say?

__autoload: Loads No More

Removed Classes

Security Related Removals

Removals Related to Extensions

Misc Extension Removals

Lab: Deprecations


Originally priced at $700, the course fee has been reduced by 50% to help potential attendees who are affected by the worldwide pandemic. Until the end of the year, as an added bonus for signing up for the course, we are offering a free 30-day trial account on the LfPHP Cloud Service.



Doug Bierer

Senior Instructor



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