ID : 149036

Neck pain Brooklyn

Price On Call


Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : 489 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11217

If you’re experiencing neck pain Brooklyn, NY, consider making an appointment at Atlantic Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. Atlantic Orthopedics and Sports Medicine have a team of professionals in many fields of musculoskeletal medicine that work in unison to develop a personalized treatment strategy for each patient. We have the most modern, minimally invasive treatment options available, but we still use the traditional methods of caring for our patients. From initial diagnosis to full recovery, our staff will be at your side. Our medical team has worked with players of all ages, from kids to pros, and we’re excited to maintain New York’s athletic and orthopedic community at the top of its game.


489 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11217
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Safety tips
  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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