ID : 146710

How Wall Sawing Creates Accurate Cuts in Concrete and Masonry



Type : Buy
Condition : New
Location : PO Box 46, Mentone VIC 3194

Wall sawing is a process used to create angular cuts inmasonry, concrete, or other materials. This technique is often used to cut dooror window openings and to break out sections of concrete. Wall saws use diamondblades that are embedded with diamonds and mounted on a track system forprecision cutting on walls, ceilings, floors, and other surfaces. Let’s explorehow wall sawing works.

Why Use Wall Sawing?

Wall sawing is the preferred option when precision cuttingof a concrete structure is necessary because it offers greater accuracy thanother methods such as core drilling or hand-held saws. It also creates lessdust and debris than other methods while providing an accurate cut line, makingit ideal for cutting openings in walls without damaging the surroundingstructure. Additionally, wall saws can be adjusted to accommodate differentdepths and angles so they can be used in various scenarios.

How Does Wall Sawing Work?

The wall saw uses a diamond blade that is attached to atrack system which allows it to move with precision along the surface thatneeds to be cut. The diamond blade has a carbide-tipped core which containsindustrial grade diamonds embedded into its sides. The diamond blades arespecifically designed for cutting through hard materials like concrete andmasonry, so they are much more effective than traditional blades made fromsteel or other metals. The track system allows the blade to move along thesurface being cut at an adjustable angle and depth depending on what type ofcut needs to be done. This makes it ideal for creating precise angles or curvedlines as well as straight cuts.


Wall sawing is an effective way of creating accurate cuts onhard materials like concrete and masonry without generating large amounts ofdust or debris in the process. Its ability to create precise angles makes itespecially useful when creating door or window openings in walls withoutdamaging the surrounding structure. In addition, wall saws are adjustable so theycan be used for various depths and angles depending on the job at hand. Whetheryou need straight cuts or angled ones, wall sawing provides an efficient way toget it done with precision results every time!


PO Box 46, Mentone VIC 3194
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