ID : 76801

High Quality Natural Dried COW ox Gallstones……whatasapp……+254770172338




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : NAIROBI

   We are full time exporters of high quality natural Dried Cow/ox gallstone.Our product obtained from disease free cattle.Shipment prompt by air courier (DHL). Price depends on the ratio of whole stone / broken stone.

Product description

           After extracting the gallstones from the Ox, cow, cattle’s intestines they have to be washed thoroughly with cold water to remove blood clots, impurities etc. After washing they are dried for two to three weeks in a dark and well ventilated environment at a temperature of approx. 20 degrees Celsius. The stones have to be moved regularly for better drying and to avoid them sticking at each other. After full drying the stones are packed in hermetically sealed bags.

Quality and classification

Highest demand is for stones with the following features:

yellow golden orange color;

stones with low specific weight;

large stones;

bilirubin content not less than 35%;

  There is a demand for dark stones as well, but prices are considerably lower however.

Our Stones are traded in the following specifications:


100% whole $35 per gram FOB

90% whole and 10% broken $30 per gram FOB

80% whole and 20% broken $28 per Gram FOB

Order:20 kg per Month

      All our price include transportation

         The stones have to have a natural smell of healthy, BSE free cattle. Liver stones, kidney stones, piping, moldy stones, blood stones, cholesterol stones and stones descending from other animals respectively are separated


     The shipment is proceeded according to the negotiated contract conditions via DHL. Depending on the request of the particular buyer the following documents go with the shipment:

certificate of origin;

BSE free certificate;

veterinary certificate;

analysis (issued by Chamber of Commerce and Industry);

commercial invoice;

2/3 of this price is paid for broken stones and 1/3 for tiny stones. Poor quality stones attract 1/4 of the full prices.

   Below, I send you the information requested by you  for our Quality OX gallstone  80% whole stones / 20% broken as some additional information concerning terms

and conditions:


1. Annex, I am sending you a couple of pictures of current stock.


2. AVAILABILITY: we can supply between 5 kg to 10 kg every 2 weeks. If there is a constant demand, as a long-term business, the quantity can be double and triple.




* Prices are negotiable; and depend on the quantity as a constant demand.


4. PAYMENT TERMS: 30% T/T against P/Invoice and Balance 50% When You

Receive Goods.



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Safety tips
  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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