ID : 50893

digitize logo for embroidery




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : "1011 East 12th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11230, United States"


We all want to be recognized. Whether we wear a polo shirt or a school shirt, it has a logo. This is where digitizing logo embroidery comes in handy. In this article, we will talk about the logo digitization process. How it works and how it is done. It sounds easy right? We’ll see!

What is embroidery logo digitizing?

Before delving into the process of digitizing a logo for embroidery, we need to know what exactly a logo is. In the simplest terms, a logo is a trademark or symbol that we use to represent a specific brand or company. A logo defines the status of a company or business.

Like our names, a logo is the identifying mark that makes our company and our business unique.

Digitize an embroidery logo

Now, we will give you the details of all the steps to look for when you want to design a logo. In embroidery scanning, machines cannot detect general files. Therefore, we have to digitize our design or logo into a suitable file format that a machine can understand.

To give you an example, the jpeg and png formats are the most common file types for a computer. But the same file formats are not suitable for an embroidery machine. This needs to be digitized to embroider.

Embroidery logo digitizing formats

Here are some of the most common logo embroidery formats you may listen to:

(* .dst) – Tajima

(* .pes) – Deco, brother, Babylock

(* .jef) – Janome, Elna, Kenmore

(* .emb) – Wilcom

(* .exp) – Melco

(* .hus) – Husqvarna Viking

(* .art) – Artist Design

The list is huge. There are many formats on the market to digitize a logo. But, this will be enough for a newbie or even a skilled digitizer to get the job done.

In the world of digitization, there are numerous ways to accomplish a single task. It depends on skills and experience. However, one of the most complex of all processes is the digitization of logos or letters that you stitch perfectly on your embroidery machine.

Letter embroidery is common and a highly sought after service in the digitizing industry. The process has its requirements. This is because letters in hand embroidery are different from digitizing machine letters.

In this article, we will talk about all the letter digitizing techniques. To educate you in the best possible way, we will take you from start to finish.

Embroidery lettering technique

Embroidery is an art of making designs and patterns on fabric. Letter digitizing is a type of embroidery that is more complex than any other embroidery service. Let’s see the process!

Before making any design, there are some factors that we must take into account to avoid problems. The way you design will be the basis of your result. When creating embroidery lettering, the first step is to make sure you get the exact result on both machines and software. If you are a newbie, there is less chance of getting the same result.

For that, we have to play with the stitches and the size of the design. In some places you will need to downsize, in others do the opposite. But, it is not as easy as it may sound. Fabric stitching is a common problem for newbies. Even skilled embroidery digitizer must pay proper attention when stitching to avoid misery.


"1011 East 12th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11230, United States"
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  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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