ID : 83615

Building Structures in St kitts & Nevis




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 11922 Oakbrook Dr Austin, TX 78753,

Building Structures in St kitts & Nevis

We are Architects & Building Designers in Saint Kitts and Nevis. Our preferred architects and builders will work with you to design and build a one-of-a-kind Caribbean home that blends in seamlessly with the natural surroundings of your homesite.

1. Edwin Glasford & Associates Structural Design and Review of several residences and building structures (2013)

2. Hillsborough Ltd Civil/structural engineering design for upscale hotel and residential project (2013-2015).

3. (Imperial Bay) Half Moon Bay Beach Condos. Structural/civil engineering design and supervision for 79-unit condominium development 3 to 5 storey concrete framed buildings. (2013-2014).

4. Structural Design of four storey building to serve as Government Printery in Basseterre (2018)

5. Structural Design of modern prison complex

6. Structural Design of four storey steel structure building for corporate insurance.

7. Structural Design for a 168-room luxury hotel reinforced concrete structures with strip foundations and column pad footings and shear walls for lateral stability. Some buildings were up to eight storey on steep slopes. Design of cut and fill operations and storm water drainage for site. Design of thirty (30‟) foot high retaining walls for slope protection. Design of nine (9) roof top swimming pools at fourth floors.


8. Woodrow Bryant Architect Marquard Residence Four Seasons Nevis Structural and residential engineering design and supervision services for building renovation and extension.

9. Jenkins Ltd Solid Waste Management Building Design of roof truss for folding partitions and design of elevator core and review and design of floor slabs and cantilevers (2014)

10. St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority Foundation design for communications antenna (2015)

11. Structural Engineering design and supervision for four storey office block in Nevis (Social Security) using structural steel frame and composite floor framing.

12. Structural design of numerous residences for several architects.

13. Structural Design several residences for MODA (Architectural Designers)

14. Structural review as part of Team selected for a World Bank project to advise on foundation options for new hospital, specifically to advise on efforts to mitigate liquefaction.


11922 Oakbrook Dr Austin, TX 78753,
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