ID : 142734

Body Massage in Candolim With Good Extra Services 9561897131




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : Shop no-7,Oueen Nackles Shopping Pradise Bhumiraj Heritage Plot 1 & 2,Sanpada Navi Mumbai 400705

Call – 9561897131

Welcome to Spa Villa Massage Candolim , the charming place inthe Goa dedicated to your well-being and sensuality. We welcome you every day,from 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Enjoy the softness of our touch in the paradise ofbeauty and elegance.

Our profession        almasseuses offer, body-to-body massages to relax, stimulate and boost yourpassion. With their fingertips or by gliding voluptuously with their bodies,they offer a unique and refined massage that will make you shiver with pleasure.                                   

We want to offer you an exceptional moment of relaxation,sensuality and pleasure. More than a massage, it’s a magical and regeneratingjourney for body and soul in perfect harmony with the naturist spirit.

Spa Villa Massage  isamong the few massage centers in Goa, providing the best Nuru Massage servicesin the area, who have extensive experience to provide you with the best NuruMassage Services in candolim. Nuru Massage is an ancient massage therapy havingroots form Kamasutra as well. It involves the massage therapist you use herbody instead of her hands with a special lube and the magic that it creates isout of this world.





Shop no-7,Oueen Nackles Shopping Pradise Bhumiraj Heritage Plot 1 & 2,Sanpada Navi Mumbai 400705
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