ID : 98052

Best slides to digital



Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : 1480 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC V5K 4V3, Canada

Find the best slides to digital service at Transfer to Digital. At least one member of our family was a hobbyist photographer who would gather us around the slide projector at family gatherings and take us on a trip down memory lane. Laughter, shame, and, sure, boredom might result, but for many, it was a decades-long love. Unfortunately, the activity has all but vanished in the conventional sense, yet many people still collect slides. We collaborate with families to give antique slide collections a new lease on life. We make piles of old slides and digitally restore them to their former glory. In no time, you’ll go from crates of old slides in your basement to a stunning slideshow on your TV, laptop, or phone. We’ve built a reputation for quality and customer service that’s second to none. Our procedure is straightforward. We come to you and pick up your collection, then transport it to our state-of-the-art facility in downtown Vancouver. We’ll return everything to you at no additional cost once it’s finished, ready to use. We recognize that no two photo collections are the same, which is why we provide free, no-obligation onsite assessments as well as various payment choices to make photo preservation simple and inexpensive. 

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1480 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC V5K 4V3, Canada
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Safety tips
  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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