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ID : 86945

What are Customer Experience Management – CXM – Platforms




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What are Customer Experience Management – CXM – Platforms

Customer Experience Management(CXM) is about knowing your customers well and making sure that they are happy and satisfied at every point of interaction with your company, right from the beginning of the customer journey. Customer Experience Management(CXM) comprises a collection of activities that a business undertakes to provide a personalized, smooth customer experience to customers. The customer experience management system (CXM or CEM) is a technology that empowers businesses to manage their organization’s interactions with their present & potential customers.

What Does CXM Mean to Your Business?

The implication for CXM leaders is that key stakeholders may — and probably do — have widely varying perceptions about CX and CXM. Some may think of CXM in a holistic way, but others may believe that CX is just another term for customer service, process improvement, or customer surveys.

Best Customer Experience Management Platforms for 2021

SAS Customer Intelligence 360 – SAS Customer Intelligence 360 is a one-stop shop for building and personalizing customer experiences to boost businesses. It has features such as tests and experiments, guided analytics, customer journey optimization, personalizations, and recommendations. Businesses that utilize this software can track all customer interactions across all the customer touchpoints. It also interprets the data to allow businesses to make decisions on parts of the customer journey that requires improvement.

Oracle CX – As per the developers of Oracle Customer Experience, “Customer signals are everywhere.” The tool helps businesses in monitoring, tracking, and interacting with customers at every point of their customer journey and deliver a great customer experience to them. This cloud-based platform ties finance, supply chain, and customer experience together.

For more such updates, check Out recent Martech Cube blogs.


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  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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