ID : 77380

Corona Lumens Lighting




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 1151 Pomona Rd, Ste C, Corona, CA 92882

Corona Lumens lighting can be an essential tool for several different situations in your home. For example, if you are tired of the way the trim on your windows is fading, or you have just moved into a new home and don’t know what to do with that room yet, then a recessed lighting system may be just the thing for you. In addition, if you have a large number of sconces or chandeliers that hang from your ceiling, you will probably want to use a trim lightly to brighten up the top but not directly over it. Instead, you could run the cord of the recessed lighting system over the chandeliers or sconces to draw some of that light into the room. In this case, the lens would reflect off of the ceiling and shine onto your walls, where it can brighten up your space without being an excessive amount of light. These types of lights also make great holiday lights because of their versatility.

Another option for Lumens lighting is to use them to create secondary lighting in your rooms. If you have a large, heavy bookcase or entertainment center in your living room, then it’s difficult to see the bookcases or the TV unless you eradicate the top cover. To make this secondary lighting easy to handle, you can mount a recessed housing behind the bookshelf or entertainment center and then run the wiring through the housing and under the bookshelf. For a simple and inexpensive Pro tip for doing this, you could purchase some cheap lighting shelving and then mount the shelving to a recessed paneling in your ceiling.

Finally, as you can see, there are plenty of different ways to take advantage of lumens lighting. While the standard dimmer switch is an excellent addition to many indoor lighting situations, sometimes you want more bright light. If this happens, then getting LED lights are a great option. While the price for LED lighting may be a bit higher than the average lamp, they produce light that is ten times brighter than typical halogen bulbs, so you’ll get the lumens you need to brighten up your space.


1151 Pomona Rd, Ste C, Corona, CA 92882
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