ID : 161382

Osteopathy Clinic in Dubai



Location : Orthocure Medical Center, 2nd Floor, Mirdif Avenue Mall Al Khawaneej Street Mirdif, Dubai

Saeed Althani and Dr. Ali Al Belooshi, osteopathy clinic in dubai has built a strong reputation for its unwavering commitment to excellence. With an impressive track record of successfully treating over 50,000 patients and performing more than 5,000 surgeries, Orthocure remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards of orthopedic care.

Both Orthocure clinics offer a comprehensive range of services specifically tailored to meet diverse orthopedic needs. The center takes immense pride in its team of highly qualified and experienced orthopedic doctors, surgeons, and physiotherapists, who are deeply devoted to providing exceptional care.


Orthocure Medical Center, 2nd Floor, Mirdif Avenue Mall Al Khawaneej Street Mirdif, Dubai
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  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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