ID : 112046

Home Theater in Coimbatore – Sound System – Cine Focus



Location : S-12, Second Floor, Grand CAG Central, Behind SRT TATA Show Room, Nava India, Coimbatore, 641004.

“We bring to you the best of sound systems through “CineFocus” with the aim of rendering theatrical experience home. CineFocus in Coimbatore and Chennai has been serving clients with a wide range of top-class audio systems since 1999. We are branched at highly developing cities of Tamilnadu, at Chennai with Mr.Ismail and Mr.Razack as the directors and Coimbatore lead by Mr.Sanjaay and Mr.Anand.

The Audio industry is drenched with new brands and products to deliver high-quality acoustics. Cine Focus is a place to harvest the experience of fullness to the overwhelming audio enthusiasts around.  Build your dream home theaters by configuring your audio rooms selecting the finest speakers and screen to unveil the outstanding sound dispersion patterns in your environment.”

For more details:


S-12, Second Floor, Grand CAG Central, Behind SRT TATA Show Room, Nava India, Coimbatore, 641004.
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  1. Beware of scammers, fraudsters, etc.
  2. You need to physically see and test items before purchase
  3. Never advance payment for anything.  It is a sign of scam. 

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